This service provides a mechanism for searching the system for pending items(items that were created using the CreateCheck service but which have not yet been released for processing) that match specified criteria. To search for items that were uploaded in a batch, or that have been released for processing, use the FindChecks service.
The user must have the Gateway.Deposit role and the ClientID must be in the Client Tree for the authenticated user.
SOAP Service
<FindPendingChecks xmlns="https://gateway.acheck21.com/GlobalGateway/"> <Username>string</Username> <Password>string</Password> <ClientID>string</ClientID> <Query>XML</Query> </FindPendingChecks >
<FindPendingChecksResponse xmlns="https://gateway.acheck21.com/GlobalGateway/">
<FindPendingChecksResult> <Code>int</Code> <Message>string</Message> <Checks> <CheckID>...</CheckID> ... <CheckID>...</CheckID> </Checks> </FindPendingChecksResult>
REST Service
URL | https://gateway.acheck21.com/GlobalGateway/REST/checks/<ClientID>/pending?<Query> |
Response | A series of the following: |
<uri>uri-to-pending-check</uri> |
Possible values for <Code>
Code | HTTP Status Code | Description |
0 | 204 | No error |
10000 | 401 | Not authorized |
10001 | 404 | Item not found |
Query-able fields
UploadDate | The date the batch was originally uploaded |
Amount | The check amount |
SeqNbr | The user-assigned sequence (batch) number for the batch in which the item was originally uploaded |
Name | The individual name on the item |
TransitNbr | The routing / transit number (ABA) |
AccountNbr | The bank account number (DDA) |
CheckNbr | The actual check number / item sequence number |
ClientTag | The original document client tag sent when the item was uploaded |
EntryClass | The ACH entry class code. Legal values are: 937, ARC, BOC, PPD, TEL, WEB, CCD |
For more information on how to generate valid <Query> values, please visit the following article: