Unable to load image file. Occurs during scanning with Premiere.
Stop on document error feature was designed with a dual camera scanner in mind. When the scanner stops on a document error it tries to get the first captured image. Since the scanner only has one camera it errors because it has not fully imaged the document yet.
There are a few solutions to this problem.
- Check your image share or remote image share to the server and make sure user has appropriate read\write permissions.
- Go to your image folder or share on the C drive, right-click on the folder and select properties.
- Click on the security tab and it will show you what users have read and write permissions.
- Make sure your user has full write permissions.
- Open the ACHeck21 program directory in the start menu.
- Go to Configuration and click on System Configuration.
- Select Transport tab, check your scanner to see if it one or two cameras.
- Check the appropriate box and save\exit the ACheck21 System Configuration.
- When in 2-pass processing:
- Look at the Error Control feature on the right side of the window.
- If the stop on document errors is checked, uncheck it and try to scan.