How To: Add or Remove user

Chris Gregor -

To Add:
  1. On the Global Gateway go to Administration>Manager Users and click on Create a new user...
  2. Fill in Name, Email, and the Client the user is associated with.
  3. Check applicable User Roles, and Create User.
  4. Create a ticket!
To Remove:
  1. On the Global Gateway go to Administration>Manager Users.
  2. Search for user by Name/Username or Client Name/ID.
  3. Click on the X to delete. (This is permanent!)
  4. Create a ticket!

NOTE: For our records, be sure the client requests this in writing. If they request this over the phone, ask them to send an email.
ALSO, be sure this is not a client of someone who is responsible for their own users and has asked us to be hands-off.

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