Tutorial: Send a batch file using REST

Bret Hillbun -

STEP 1: Using Google's Chrome web browser, install REST Console from the Web Store

REST Console Direct Download


STEP 2: Start REST Console from the Apps location


STEP 3: Set Target URI to https://gateway.acheck21.com/GlobalGateway/rest/batch/<Client ID Here>


STEP 4: Select "Choose Files" under "Attachements" and choose the batch file you wish to upload and set "Parameter Key" to the string "BatchFile".


STEP 5: Under "Authorization Header" click the button "Basic Auth" and then enter your username and password in the fields provided.


STEP 6: Click "POST" on the floating toolbar to upload the file


STEP 7: Check the Response Headers for a Status Code of 204 which indicates a successful transfer.  Batch asynchronous loading times vary but may take 1 - 5 minutes.


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