Global Gateway - Integration Tutorials
- Concept: Global Gateway entities and how to use them
- Concept: Global Gateway service authentication
- Concept: ACHeck21 XML Query Language
- Tutorial: Retrieving check information via GetChecks webmethod
- Tutorial: Send a Batch with ACHeck21 Java API
- Tutorial: Find Checks using the ACHeck21 PHP API
- Tutorial: Find Checks using the ACHeck21 Java API
- Tutorial: How to use FindCheckDetails web method in SOAP using WebService Studio 2.0
- Tutorial: How to use FindCheckDetails web method in REST
- Tutorial: Create a Check using RCC method via REST
- Tutorial: Setting up Visual Studio to use the SOAP API
- Tutorial: Create a Check with C# and the SOAP API
- Tutorial: Getting started with the ACHeck21 PHP API
- Tutorial: Create a Check with ACHeck21 PHP API
- Tutorial: Getting started with the ACHeck21 Java API
- Tutorial: Create a Check with ACHeck21 Java API
- Tutorial: Create a Check using REST
- Tutorial: Create a check via SOAP in Web Service Studio
- Tutorial: Send a batch file using REST