Tutorial: Retrieving check information via GetChecks webmethod

Edward Chimero -

STEP 1: Download the latest version of Web Service Studio.

Web Service Studio 2.0 Download Link


STEP 2: Install Web Service Studio 2.0, follow the prompts until installation is complete. You do not need to register.



STEP 3: Open Web Service Studio. The window should look something like this:



Step 4: Select the appropriate WSDL. To find the WSDL, goto help.acheck21.com



STEP 5: Click the Development Center link.



STEP 6: Click the Service Address: Global Gateway SOAP Web Services URL link:

Service Address: Global Gateway SOAP Web Services URL



This screen displays the different versions of WSDLS available. We will use 2.6 which is the latest version.


STEP 7: Copy the hyperlink and paste it into the Web Services Studio WSDL Endpoint text box shown here:


Click the “Get” Button on the right hand side of the text box. Once the WSDL is initialized on Web Service Studio, you will have access to all the functions. For this tutorial we will only be covering the GetChecks method (Note: The GetChecks web method uses functionality from the GetCheck web method).



STEP 8: Click on the GetChecks Method, it will display an empty SOAP envelope with several fields you have to complete. To Complete a field, click on the selected field in the left box, then add your corresponding information in the right box.



For information on which fields need to be completed for this submission, please see the ACHeck21 Global Gateway 2.6 documentation about the GetChecks method.


STEP 9: There are several ways to search for checks using the GetChecks web method. You can search by a single check ID, or search by multiple check IDs! To do this, click the Request/Response Tab in WebService Studio:




 Then add each check ID you would like to see:


STEP 10: Upon submission, the response message will appear below the request box. It will show the check information for each check searched:




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