STEP 1: Download the latest version of Web Service Studio.
Web Service Studio 2.0 Download Link
STEP 2: Install Web Service Studio 2.0, follow the prompts until installation is complete. You do not need to register.
STEP 3: Open Web Service Studio. The window should look something like this:
Step 4: Select the appropriate WSDL. To find the WSDL, goto
STEP 5: Click the Development Center link.
STEP 6: Click the Service Address: Global Gateway SOAP Web Services URL link:
Service Address: Global Gateway SOAP Web Services URL
This screen displays the different versions of WSDLS available. We will use 2.6 which is the latest version.
STEP 7: Copy the hyperlink and paste it into the Web Services Studio WSDL Endpoint text box shown here:
Click the “Get” Button on the right hand side of the text box. Once the WSDL is initialized on Web Service Studio, you will have access to all the functions. For this tutorial we will only be using FindCheckDetails.
STEP 8: Enter your username, password, and clientID into the corresponding fields. The query field must be populated using the specific query language.
Use the provided guide to build your query as you see fit. For this tutorial, we will be using Between.
STEP 9: Add your query to the query field. The query must be written like xml. For this example;
STEP 10: Add the xml within the <Query> tags. Once added, click the Invoke button. This should bring back a response of all checks with the set clientId with an amount between 0 and $44.00.